Su Casa Design Tips for a Successful Renovation
Renovate /ˈrenəˌvāt/
Restore (something old) to a good state;
Bringing something back to life.
We get asked a lot of questions on social media for tips on renovating.
As well, since COVID we noticed a large increase in home renovation inquiries at our office we thought we would put together some of our best tips for renovating.
Due to the increased time we have spent in our homes over the last year people are noticing the things they don’t like or how their space doesn’t function for their needs.
There are many reasons we look to renovate: functional space, update style, increase living space, and lifestyle changes to name a few.
We wanted to offer some of our best tips to help you get started!
If you are on the verge of a renovation, order your finishes and materials (ie. plumbing fixtures, tile, lighting) as early as you can because it’s better for your supplies to be sitting around than your contractors. Not to mention due to Covid, shipping times have been bonkers and we have seen people waiting double the amount of time to receive products.2. TAKE TIME TO PLAN
Start with a good plan! Analyze your immediate and future needs. What does life look like now and again in 5-10 years. Spend the time to get the design/layout right – we highly recommend hiring a designer. A designer will guide you through the process as there is so many more decisions than you can anticipate and it will help save time and money in the end.3. BUDGET- WHERE TO SAVE OR SPLURGE
Renovation costs can get out of hand really fast, so figure out where the most important spaces are for you.What key areas or features in your home are you willing to spend more, and which are you willing to save on? For example plumbing fixtures is a great example of an area that is easy to get out of hand and spend lots or less depending on just the finish. Unpolished brass is beautiful but chrome is cheaper.
Make a list ahead to know what items are non-negotiables and which you are willing to adjust for the sake of budget.
Do you have a favourite renovation tip? Email us at .
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